What Are You Really Being Charged For?

When it comes to comparing court reporting companies and their costs, it’s important to do an apples-to-apples comparison.  Not all companies and transcripts are the same.  With transcripts, it’s all about the number of words on a page…we call it characters per line (CPL) and lines per page (LPP).  While a transcript may look the same at first glance, evaluating the CPL and LPP can help you determine if you are really getting your money’s worth with your current company.
We recently compared a transcript from our New York market that we produced for a client to the formatting that one of our competitors used on a transcript.  What we found was astonishing!  Each transcript started at line 1 with the same words, but the competitor’s transcript took 25 lines to get to the last line, while Capital’s transcript did it in 19 lines.  That means Capital’s transcripts saved the client 6 lines per page, which really added up.  When translated to price, that makes a 24% difference!
So make sure you are looking closely at the transcripts you purchase to see the real format that is being used, and make sure you are getting the biggest bang for your buck!