Cost Saving Tip: Manage Your Account Online

Booking depositions can be time-consuming, either for you or your paralegal.  Once you’ve booked your deposition, the stakes are very high that it be successful so if a mistake occurs, it takes even more time to fix it.  The last thing you want to do is arrive for a deposition that you’ve spent hours of preparation time on only to realize that a mistake was made when you booked the job with the date, time, or location.  You, the opposing counsel, and your clients are all there – but the reporter isn’t.  Everyone’s time is wasted and in turn, your money is wasted.

That’s why the simplest way to prevent these types of scheduling errors is by managing your account online.  Through our client website you can book depositions, manage your calendar, and access jobs that have already been taken.  Scheduling online is quick and easy and allows you to control the information.  Furthermore, once the booking has been submitted, you will always receive an email confirmation outlining the details of the jobs.  One quick check over the confirmation and you will be certain that the date, time, location, and services to be provided are correct.  Additionally, you can manage your calendar and access deposition transcripts online no matter where you are.  Save time and eliminate the need for worry!